Łukasz Szramka

Frontend developer

Zdjęcie Lukasz Szramka

My name is Łukasz and I'm an aspiring Frontend developer.

You might be interested in checking the list of my skills. Don't forget to have a glimpse at my projects. I'm looking for a new challenges so if you have one - contact me😊


I've picked up some cool skills along the way, and I'm excited to share them with you.
Check out what I can do below!

Working knowledge

  • — Semantic HTML5
  • — Flexbox
  • — Markdown
  • — JS: Local storage
  • — Figma
  • — CSS grid
  • — Forms
  • — JS: DOM manipulations
  • — SASS

Know something about

  • — JavaScript ES6 + features
  • — CSS animations
  • — Working with API
  • — NPM Scripts
  • — PWA
  • — Git
  • — Accessibility
  • — React

Want to learn

  • — React
  • — Node
  • — Electron
  • — SSR
  • — TypeScript
  • — Gatsby
  • — WebSockets

Recent Projects

Since diving into frontend development, I've brought a range of projects to life. Here's a snapshot of my accomplishments so far.

After Hours

Outside of my regular working hours, I delve into an array of activities and passions. Here's a glimpse into how I spend my after-hours.


I love the energy that flows from loud guitars, pulsating bass and expressive vocals. For me, rock is not only a musical genre, but also a way of expressing emotions and thoughts. When I listen to rock songs, I feel that they take me to a completely different world, full of passion, rebellion and freedom. It is an extraordinary experience that can move every part of my soul and allows me to relax after a hard day.

Video Games

I like playing games for many different reasons. First of all, it's a fantastic way for me to break away from everyday life and immerse myself in a different world for a while. Games offer me the opportunity to explore fantastic worlds and solve puzzles. Secondly, I love the social interaction that games provide, whether it's playing together with friends or chatting with other players online. It's a great way to build bonds and have fun together. Thirdly, by playing games, I often develop my logical, strategic and perceptive skills, which positively affects my functioning outside the virtual world.


I like watching movies and series for many reasons. First of all, it is a perfect way for me to relax and break away from everyday life. By turning on a movie or series, I can immerse myself in the plot and forget about all my problems for a moment. Secondly, I love experiencing the whole range of emotions that movies and TV series can evoke - from laughter, through emotion, to thrill.


I am interested in motoring for many different reasons. First of all, I am fascinated by the technology and engineering related to cars. Secondly, motoring is a way for me to discover new places and adventures. I love long car journeys that allow me to explore diverse landscapes and cultures. Thirdly, for me driving is not only a form of transport, but also a way to relax and have freedom. I love the feeling of freedom and control that comes with being behind the wheel.

Let's work together

I'm open for new opportunities.
If you have one for me we should talk!


or find me on